Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fingers Crossed


Today I went to a group interview for meter checking job where all you have to do is check the meter and explain the discount to the customer. They asked why we wanted to work there, how much we wanted to make, and our general interests. I explained that I like being outside and generally like the looks of the job environment (free BBQs, entertainment room, and nice pay rate). I told them bottom line - need to make money but I'm also enthusiastic about enjoying my work. Overall, the interview went pretty well and I will hear back tomorrow around 6pm as to whether or not I got the job. Something interesting is that the guy in charge of interviewing us is from Ireland and was sponsored to stay here by this very position... could be more to this job than just a paycheck.

Back at Danielles I finally gave the bank a call and found out that I need my PIN sent to my mom, a five day process... which means I will have to stay with David for a couple days after Danielle's renter shows up this weekend. After a couple days with David I should have my PIN and be able to stay at a hostel for $100/week.

Later, I cycled around a nearby pond and went to the Garden of Unearthly Delights again hoping to maybe run into Aaron or James. I sat and read for a bit on my kindle and then decided to head back for tea (dinner).

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