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Monday, September 21, 2009

Toga Time


After yoga this morning we made togas and did abstract "Isadora Duncan" style dancing to classical music.

Next we headed down the mountain and got on a bus to Samos Town to visit the museum. On the way back we rode a little old bus that smelled like feet.


After yoga today we practiced for our harbor show then went to pick up trash. Later at the beach Laura, Linley, Derric and I picked up more trash (Greece has a bit of a littering problem). Finally at 7p we went down to the harbor and put on a show for the locals.

It seemed easy enough... until the end when the more inebriated ones in our group began tripping and falling.


Apparently some of the girls came back a little noisier than usual last night and pissed off the motel owner. We all had a meeting to discuss it and even got reprimanded a bit.

After a bit we went to Dolhichi and ate some good food then headed over to the beach, had some drinks and swam under the moon.


Today I finished my readings and responses then Derric and I had brunch at the Craiperie.


Mandy and Linley presented their dramatic piece in a unique old structure, Derric and I presented our story in a cool olive grove, and the others presented various acts and dramas on the beach and so on.

After presentations we all said our goodbyes and called it a day.

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